viernes, junio 24, 2022

Seven Rays of l

Teachings on the Seven Rays of light date back to the ancient Vedic literature of India, and yet they are still highly relevant today. The Seven Rays essentially represent seven attributes of the one Divine energy making up All That Is.

The Seven Rays are seven qualities of energy, which are the vibrations within the greater oneness and through them all beings, objects, and events are defined. The seven rays are the energy of the Divine being expressed in all of Creation.

While teachings on the Seven Rays are vast, and can quickly become complex, the essence is that each ray, or quality of energy represents a path of spiritual development on the path towards the full expression of Divine love. Each of the seven rays of light represents a lesson our souls must undergo during our life on Earth.

Now, that we are collectively experiencing an accelerated time of change, growth, and spiritual advancement, all Seven Rays are calling out to be integrated within us each.

In this time of massive change, and collective ascension, missing out the qualities of any one of the Seven Rays will leave one feeling out of balance and incomplete. For this reason making a conscious effort to integrate the Seven Rays is incredibly powerful and helpful. Integration starts with awareness.

Each of the rays corresponds with an Ascended Master, as well as an Archangel whose work is aligned with the qualities of experience the ray represents.

The great news is you can simply call upon the Ascended Master or Archangel overseeing the specific ray you are in need of balancing and they can quite simply, but very effectively and powerfully, send you the exact energy you need.

Working with each of the Seven Rays is the path here and now to restore balance to the earth and all life through the power of consciousness.

The Seven Rays are the forces of energy emanating directly from White Light. Here is a quick look at the manifestation of these Rays of Light, along with the associated Archangel and Ascended Master for each ray. Remember though, this is just a brief look as the Seven Rays make up everything… And so in them is contained All That Is.

The Seven Rays

First Ray
Ascended Master~ El Morya

Archangel~ Michael

Attributes~ Will, Power, Leadership, Intention, Clear Purpose, Creative Destruction, Detachment, Intensity, Direction.

Second Ray
Ascended Master~ Kuthimi

Archangel~ Jophiel

Attributes~ Love, Wisdom, Teaching, Relationship, Intuition, Sensitivity, and Perception, Clarity, Attention to Detail, Curiosity, and Synthesis.

Third Ray
Ascended Master~ Serapis Bay

Archangel~ Chamuel

Attributes~ Active Intelligence, Creativity, Adaptability and Motivation

Fourth Ray
Ascended Master~ Paul the Venetian

Archangel~ Gabriel

Attributes~ Beauty, Harmony, Artistic Ability, Clarity, Purity of Purpose, Love, Understanding, and Humility

Fifth Ray
Ascended Master~ Hilarion

Archangel~ Raphael

Attributes~ Healing, Science, Logic, Intellect, Attention to Detail, Searching, Analysis, Wisdom

Sixth Ray
Ascended Master~ Jesus (Sananda)

Archangel~ Uriel

Attributes~ Devotion, Forgiveness, Peace, Faith, Gratitude, Abstraction, Ability to See In The Light

Seventh Ray
Ascended Master~ Saint Germaine

Archangel~ Zadkiel

Attributes~ Magic, Ritual, Ceremony, Transmutation, Alchemy, Practical Understanding

When meditating, or doing inner work, practice harmonizing within the energy of the Seven Rays. Ask the Ascended Master and Archangel of each Ray to align you with the energy of the Divine in these specific ways, so that you may experience balance, and express your true self through love and service.

If you are in need of healing, call upon Archangel Raphael or Hilarion… Need a boost of personal power or direction? Archangel Michael and El Morya can help you align with these qualities of the First Ray.

With the Seven Rays in balance, you can truly align with the Divine Plan for your lives. You can know and understand yourself and your role in the grand expression of All That Is.

With love, light, and gratitude, 



7 Rays of God.

Every little hidden factor that comes in that moves soulful possibilities to take place happens inside of our chakras, as a complement. And when those things happen, that energy is multiplied and multiplied into the earth, generating energy–like at a sacred site, and the energy comes out all of our minor centers, chakras, feet, our aura; it comes out and it loves other people and has self-realization of a given specific area, and you know you’re home, you get these overwhelming feelings. Or you just drove into a parking lot or something and yet you have these experiences because as human beings we experience beginners.

So we move through this energy that’s called the 7 Rays because we have solar principles in ourselves. We are the qualities of an angel, not just what we think of as an ordinary human being. The human being and the angel are the same thing. If we look at it from old ancient texts that were wiped out, when we look through books and  or whatever, most of the texts and things around angels were based on the miracles and mighty wonderful things that were taking place, because of the veil that was open during humanity’s initiation of that time that was revealing the truth that they are angels and the fact that they’re angels. And that phenomenon—that solar phenomenon that comes in–comes in through that angelic principle. And those are the energies of the 7 Rays. The 7 Rays represent the seven angels around the Throne of God, and those are the phenomena’s that make up our life.

These seven angels are not only a choir prayer for God, but they are the energies or influences that make manifest
God’s work, God’s Plan. All seven qualities that come out of the embodiment of God are manifested through each one of those emanations. Each one of those emanations becomes a characteristic inside humanity, because we all have 7 different rays that make up our vehicles, we all have seven different variable rays that make up our souls and each one of those soul rays come directly representative of those Angels who are directly in contact with God. So our life, through

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